
The Walt Disney Company approached Dominic Harris with the opportunity to work with their extensive back catalogue, bringing their classic characters into the new age of digital art.

Harris' work combines aspects of film and cinema with fine art which is wholly evident in his Mickey & Minnie: An Interactive Diptych (2018). The artwork itself, loaded with symbolism, is an homage to the iconic characters and explores the ever-evolving love story between the two protagonists, a romance that has spanned 90 years.

As Mickey and Minnie journey across cities and into space, Harris brings an awareness to their incredible reputation which transcends all generations. The duo are the ultimate icons of pop culture.

Harris has since become the only digital artist exhibiting in museums and exhibitions who is permitted to use Disney's classic characters, a feat that is not lost on him: "I feel it is very important to treat the characters with the utmost fidelity and I believe that my role as the artist is to respect where the characters come from but then to redefine them in a new story, a new narrative: something that pays homage to the incredible talent of Walt Disney who created these characters almost a century ago, but which also portrays a new storyline."

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